Friday, August 7, 2009


The gems that come out of their mouths might make the long days just worth it...

"Teacher what is my name?"
"Very good teacher. But now I go by Step."
"Oh, okay Steph"
"No no, STEP. It's short for Stephanie (duh)"

later she came up to me and holding out papers says, "Teacher, again?"
I look at her completely confused.. "What?"
waving the paper, "again?"
"Step, I have no idea what you are talking about"
She furrows her brows and purses her lips thinking how to resay it... "nevermind" and walks away.
I later came to find out she wanted to know if I wanted to RECYCLE the paper and use it again. I guess I should have picked up on that one.

"Class what is an adjective?", I ask.
"a word that decorates a noun" (a boy in one of the upper level classes)
I told him he couldn't be more correct